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Automate relationship channels, products and services management, and
control operations of travel agencies and tour operators. VTM allows you
to configure multiple transaction rules and conditions for the sale of
different types of tourism products and services, as well as define and
govern the terms of trade with each supplier or intermediary. The system
manages the entire cycle of sales processes, from the management rules
for suppliers, hotel locks and air and creating packages and templates
for sales, up the steps the issue of pricing, quotation and booking, payment
and financing, documentation generation, etc.. The adoption of VTM reduces
the potential errors in transactions, and greatly increases the speed
of the quotation / booking / selling, generating documentation automatically,
and allowing us to track the status of all transactions in real time.
- Manage multiple sales of tourism products and services with different
payment and transaction rules;
- Determine block rules, prices for periods, breaks, tariffs;
- Manage requests, rules of sales transactions and flows seamlessly;
- Unify records and conditions for customers, suppliers and intermediaries;
- Generate and print multi-tariff documentation.
- Increase efficiency in quotation/booking/selling processes of tourism
products and services;
- More transparency and transaction security;
- More integration between operators, vendors and agencies;
- Improve configuration, implementation and transaction management;
- Increase relationships channels with customers and suppliers;
- Manage multiple performance indicators in real time.
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