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Use the following logins and paswords to enter demonstration environment: teste01, teste02, teste03 and so on.
* Exclusive for Internet Explorer

Other Applications

VIP - Violin Internet Portals

VIP - Violin Intelligent Portal
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VTM - Violin Tours Management

VTM - Violin Tours Management
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VGF - Violin Gerenciador de Franquias

VGF - Violin Franchise Manager
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VRM - Violin Risk Management

Violin Risk Management
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VRH - Violin Recursos Humanos

Violin Human Resources
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VDB - Violin Dash Boards

Manage Performance Indicators and Business Performance (KPIs KRI's) in a unified Web based environment. The VDB allows the integration of legacy sources of information (structured sources: ERP legacy systems, etc. and unstructured sources: spreadsheet files, Internet, etc.). to increase your company's ability to interpret information and analyze business indicators. Information is made available to be shared in an integrated collaboration and knowledge management portal, so different users within the organization can access relevant information to complete their tasks. The adoption of the VDB provides knowledge professionals the means to, from any device connected to Internet, make decisions based on best available information, have a better response reaction to problems and opportunities.


  • Integrate information from multiple sources, databases and legacy systems;
  • Design a unified channel for presentation and analysis of community-based indicators (KPI's);
  • Distribute and share information transparently and securely;
  • Provide the exact information needed by each department;
  • Create a means to facilitate information exchange and sharing of views on certain indicators..


  • More convenience and simplicity to access business information;
  • Improve the ability of decision making based on the analysis of business indicators;
  • Easier to obtain feedback on data interpretation from multiple users;
  • Enhance governance process from real time business management.



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