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Intellectual property

To innovate is to guarantee a future of sustainable development

Thousands of patents are registered annually by private companies, research centers and universities all over the world, interested basically in guaranteeing the financial and institutional return over investments made in research and development of new methods, technologies and innovative products. Each patent has the imminent potential to generate tangible wealth for it's owner, and uncountable benefits for people and organizations. In some extreme cases implying unpredictable consequences for a specific market share.


Brazil represents a very small fraction of this huge market of scientific and technological knowledge. Throughout decades, innovation and commercial rights protection issues of new products from research and development have been in a position inversely proportional to the potential of this market, which lead to a a considerable delay for Brazilian companies and academic institutions in relation to other countries.


However this scenario has been changing in the last years with the creation of laws and other incentives to researched and develop that are transforming Brazil into a relevant player in the world's scenario of innovation.


In this context, Embria stands out for the fact that is the only Brazilian software company that has a patented technology in the USPTO (patent number: 7,721,303). This is due to the fact that Embria has an organizational culture focused in innovation, and also that we completely understand the value of intellectual property and it's potential to transform society, specially when applied to the development of industry standards.



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