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Our applications are focused in the digitalization of business rules and has as main objetive to automate operational and administrative process.
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Our applications are focused in the digitalization of Business Rule and have as objective automate operational and management process.
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In the last years people and organizations have been discovering new interaction and management possibilities through online services and innovating tools that allow you to manage multiple contact sources, new products and services, and new knowledge.


It is the so called Web 2.0 that has been taking advantage of communication evolution and knowledge management to create a great virtual platform, able to gather people and organizations of different regions and economical segments to collaborate and exchange experiences in common interest areas.


Embria has several innovating projects with focus in two main areas: SaaS – Software as a Service and Social Networking, that were developed using a cutting edge technology, and also some very new concepts of online interaction, process governance and real time information control.


This section of our website is dedicated to the exposition of these projects and has the main objective to make them widely known to the general public. By doing this, we think that it can be of interest to big organizations, public financial agencies and investment funds with the focus in technology companies.








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