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Embria Technologies is founded from the aquisition of a traditional brazilian software house, with the objective to create an innovating software technology to provide corporate applications through the web;


Embria deposits its first technological innovation patent request in INPI (Brazilian Institute for Industrial Property);


Embria is selected by UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Development Organization to take place in Technology Fair of the Future in UNCTAD 2004, São Paulo, presenting the most recent innovation the Violin Platform®;


Embria is selected by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Relations to take place in the “Agenda 2005 of MRE”, institutional material who's theme of the year was the promotion of Technological Innovation Exponents in Brazil;


Embria makes a new patent deposit for technological innovation in United States Patent and Trademark Office USPTO, in order to guarantee competitive advantages in that market.


Embria makes the official release of the Violin Platform in the Innovation Space / CIAB 2006 in São Paulo, promoted by Febraban, Brazilian Federation of Banks, and by ITS Institute of Software Technology in São Paulo;


Embria firms contract with a high valued franchise to develop the first application for the management of critical mission based in the Violin Platform – VGF – Violin Franchise Management;


Embria firms contract with one of the main tourism operators in Rio de Janeiro to develop and implement the second mission-critical management application based in the Violin Platform – VTM Violin Tours Management;


Embria firms contract with a Consulting company from Coppe-UFRJ for the development of an innovative software based in the Violin Platform focused in Governance, Risk and Compliance – VRM Violin Risk Management®;


Embria firms contract with a great mining company to develop and implement an analytical software based in the Violin Platform;


Embria was awarded to be in the TOP 10 from the MAKE Institute – Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise – for online collaboration software and knowledge management;


Embria starts the process of technological update of GRHMASTER, placing the system in the Violin Platform®. The project's objective is to place the HR system in the web environment and the development of new integrated modules.;


Embria receives the notification about the international technological innovation patent request in USPTO – Unites States Patent and Trade Office.


Embria works in two new releases for Violin Platform: VRM Violin Risk Management / Wisen and Violin Human Resources.
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