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Technical information
Violin Platform® was developed with one of the most advanced programming
languages in the market JAVA (J2EE). This means more agility for
developers, multiprocessing capacity, interoperability among platforms,
code portability, robust applications, and security for software developing
of software.
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
Violin Platform® is based on distributed computing architecture with
capacities to create, standardize and document unique generic functions
used by different applications in reusable components with complete interoperability,
so they can be used by different devices as services, without the need
to be rewritten. This allows you to reach a high level of maturity in
software environment that results in lower costs for development and maintenance,
and faster delivery of software and updates.
COA Control Oriented Architecture
Violin Platform® has an unique interaction control architecture
capable of implementing automated processes to create, detect, execute
and react to occurrences and systematic events in a process governance
This means allowing business analysts the power to automate flows,
activities and known procedures, configure dynamic data filters (from
middleware, applications, database, webservices, and other sources),
setup automatic change of status of different agents and entities, build
projection and simulation of scenarios, and monitor in real-time basis
patterns and variations of occurrences in multiple business management
RIA Rich Internet Application
Violin Platform® was developed to allow the development of web applications
with the main existing advantages in the desktop applications. This means
a better level of usability, advanced functionalities, multitask interfaces,
the capacity to execute and manage multiprocess and lots more. This way,
it is possible to build rich applications with significant higher level
of functionalities sophistication in web environment and host them in
central servers with access through web browsers.
SaaS Software as a Service
Violin Platform® has an innovating delivery model to distribute software
applications as a service, guaranteeing the client the best cost-benefit
for business process automation and management. This means there is no
need for initial investment with licenses and infrastructure, and most
important, is that applications are constantly updated and available to
the client. All this for a monthly fee according to the software and service
package demanded by the client.
Other technical features:
Rapid Application Development
Framework (RAD) to develop Web-Desktop-like applications, based on
GUI components;
Standardized and unified methodology
for the development and design of applications;
Complete segregation in the
development server-side and client-side;
Total interoperability and
reusability of framework components;
Applications defined by XML
documents and support to standard SOAP web services;
Independent layer of application
server, backend platform and operational system;
Component, interfaces and metadata
Libraries, documented and available for internal and external integration;
Object oriented APIs;
Ajax interface and integration
with mashups;
Advanced security layer based
on SSL and AES cryptography algorithms;
Oracle, SQL Server andPostGre
SQL Databases;
Windows and Linux Operating